
Archive for September, 2007

Well, it seems I need to put blogging on my schedule along with the chores and homeschool stuff. 🙂 Once again a month has gone by since my last post. I’m trying to figure out what has prevented me from posting. I think mostly guilt. Every time I even think about writing a post, I can think of at least five other things I “should” be doing. So, I head off to do one of those things. Right now I’m supposed to be sweeping the kitchen. But, I’m home with a sick kid today, so gave myself permission to do this first.

It sure didn’t take long to fill up our weeks. We have school time every morning, soccer practice Tuesday evenings, park days on Wednesday afternoons, I go to a women’s Bible study every other Wednesday evening, Farmers Market every Thursday afternoon, soccer games on Saturday morning, worship on Sunday, then choir practice for me and AWANA for B. In and around all of that I try to keep up with the house, plan for school and meals and weekly shopping, spend time with my guys, and neighbors and friends, too.

Although I know many have much, much more squeezed into their weeks, that seems to be about all I can handle. Yet, I want to add more kids to our family and get more involved in the community! We’re never satisfied, are we. So, I need to do some real thinking on what my priorities are and where I should be spending my time.

I’ve been questioning myself on whether I should be involved in the choir right now. That’s really putting a squeeze on Sundays. Practice is 4:30, then AWANA is at 6. I jumped in when they started practicing the Christmas program. I did decide not to sing with the worship choir on Sunday mornings. It’s more important to work on training B in that portion of the service right now. But I still want to participate in the Christmas program . . . Hmmm.

B loves AWANA! As a matter of fact, I’ve started using his AWANA book for our Bible lessons. He’s learning at least one Bible verse each week. The structure of the program really seems to motivate him. We’ve even started saying the pledge to the flag each morning as we begin school. And I thought I was going to “unschool!” But, structure seems to be something that B really needs. I’ve learned these past few weeks that we function much better together with a structured framework for our day.

Of course, structure is not one of my strong points. 🙂 I really have to work at it. But it’s worth it to avoid the struggles that ensue when I let things get too loosey goosey with B. Whew! Those days are tough. So, I keep on learning as I go through trial and error. Now, I think I’ll have another look at my schedule and make sure that what’s important gets in there, like blogging here with all you nice people.

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